Friday, 22 October 2010

Dave Related News: October and Beyond

Hey, long time no tell you about all my projects, time to change that sad fact...

Apples For Everyone is ending. Come to our goodbye party:

11th December: 7.30pm: The Miller (96 Snowsfield Road, London Bridge SE1 3SS) £5 entry. FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE.

The Band is dead, Long live the Band - Oh yes, The Dave is looking to expand into a band, London based musicians please check out the concept and consider getting involved. The advert is here. The band will also be a podcast. SPREAD THE WORD.

The Dave still exists alone however and is doing a solo gig in Bristol to prove it:

24th November: 8pm: Folk Tales ( Scout Hut [Bristol Harbour] Redcliff Backs [Black Wooden Building across the bridge and opposite Severn Shed and Riverstation, Welshback way])

The Dave's album "Going Back to Finish the Job" is available for £5 (inc p and p) from here:

Talking about podcasts:

I'm performing a true story told live (and without notes) *GULP* This is for Spark London, a great night of Stories that also has a podcast available (on the Itunes and other netty places) So come and see me on Monday 1st November at 7.30pm at the Canal Cafe Theatre, London W9 6ND The theme of the night is "Mistaken Identities".

Also I have become a curator for the excellent podcast aggregator So check that site out. On it you will get regular bundles of audio joy selected by various podcast fanatics, who trawl through the millions of options out there to you so you don't have to. Have a listen and TELL YOUR FRIENDS.

And finally on the podcast front, a new experimental podcast series has been recorded by myself and two old friends. The show is called Four Days In A Room and will probably begin to be released sometime in December. Watch this space or follow it on twitter for updates on this project.

My short story Elegance has been published in A DemonMinds Halloween: 2010 Edition (Volume 66) which is an American magazine. It's available on But buying it won't give me more money, my one of payment has already happened.

Why the delay on the release of The Reactionaries? Well that's a long and very boring story. It will be happening soon (I was hoping to be able to include it in this email but it wasn't to be.) The delay is NOT our fault. Our CD will be available ASAP.

Follow me on Twitter: I give good Tweet.

ADVERT: New band being started, members needed!

I am starting a new band up. The band will be a 4 piece (including me) and it will play my songs.

I want to make epic electronic folk pop, mixing nice folky instruments with pleasing electronic sounds. I'm particularly interested in duets and multi vocal arrangements. The band will have a punk ethos and a low fi sensibility.

This is what my solo out put sounds like: I want to extend and develop that sound.

This is a spotify playlist of songs/bands I am currently influenced by: New Band

The band will not kill ourselves on the souless London gig circuit where no one sees you and you never get paid. We will carve out our own space with regular live performances recorded in intimate venues with invited audiences and guests and distributed via a free Podcast and a YouTube channel both promoted using Twitter, Facebook and other similar sites.

Basically we play in peoples front rooms and invite our friends to come along have some drinks and watch us play. No more hassling your mates to come out and pay stupid amounts of money to lazy promotors and watch a load of shite bands play!

Once we get followers online we will put on "live podcast" nights at good London venues. We will programme those nights with quality support acts and bands, pay everyone to play, and hopefully make a profit. We'll record the nights and offer them for free as podcast specials.

We'll also be looking to generate income through voluntary donation on our websites, we will play any good gig offers at none rip off nights (generally when you are offered a gig they are good, but when you ask for a gig you get screwed) and we will also sell EP's and albums as and when online.

Potential members need to live in London and be prepared to rehearse one or twice a week regularly. Music must be your passion not your hobby and you need to be someone willing and able to commit to regular rehearsals, recordings and performance. All singers must use their real accents. Only sound American if you are American. Ideally all band members can sing (I am not interested in conventional voices, there are many kinds of singing...) Also useful are webskills and music production interest/knowledge.

I’m looking for collaborators with musical ideas, and there will be plenty of room to put your own art into the project, however we will be playing my songs and adhering to my vision, at least for the initial start up period of the bands life.

So I play Ukulele, Guitar, Analogue Keys, Melodica, Kazoo and sing. To add to that I am looking for 3 of the following:
  • Bass player (who also plays guitar and/or keys)
  • Electronic sound maker who plays Syntherizer/Drum Machine/EWI... (Drum Machine could form the drums for the band so someone who makes good beats very ideal) - I'm particularly interested in using classic computer game sounds; spectrum, atari, nintendo etc... not making pure chiptunes or anything but having some of that in the electronic dimension of the music.
  • Percussionist who can play kit but is also into playing all sorts of rhythmic things
  • Female vocalist (preferably but not essentially also plays an instrument)
  • Someone who plays a nice and relatively unusual instrument: e.g. Cello, Bassoon, Flute, Banjo

If you are interested or you know someone who is please get in touch with me and we can meet up, jam and see if we click:



Compiling the Compilations

So over the last few months I've been sortof playlist blogging, with a different compilation being released over twitter and facebook (all created and shared on spotify.)

This happened semi accidentally, with me deciding that there were enough songs about whales that were ace to justify a playlist. After that I became interested in theme based playlists and have really enjoyed putting them together. There are some quality ones here.

I've been aided and abetted occasionally by tweeps and facebookers, giving me many useful and surprising suggestions. The twits of note are @EmilyCleaver (fellow whale song enthusiast), @haylien and @jadamthwaite (she made suggestions face to face mind you cos she happens to live with me for her sins.)

That said I am resting for the time being, with other projects demanding my time I must give something up and making playlists is the obvious thing to go.

So I thought I'd collect them all here in one place so that people can peruse them at their leisure and hopefully pleasure. I shall also repost them on the feeds when appropriate. The only playlist not yet promoted is the one about Snow. For obvious reasons!

(I am still open to song suggestions...)

Abstract Notions:

Heaven: A made for TV movie
A Memory
Personal Jesus
Dreams: Dreams / Dreams Of You

Rights Of Passage:

His and Hers Spotify Playlists about Wanking
Songs for hangovers - the dave mix
Moving House: Songs about years and days



Science and Space:

Dreaming of floating in space...
Moon: Moon / Croon Moon: The Crooner Edition / Magnetic Moon - Magnetic Fields songs about the moon


The River
Rain Down On Me