Friday, 21 June 2013

Stand Up Tragedy with Josie Long, the launch of A Maze of Breaths, GBA has 4 more weeks on Resonance FM and more!

Hello everyone,

So much exciting Dave related news that I will start with a Dave related news contents: 

  1.  An overview of what Stand Up Tragedy is doing.
  2. Stand Up Tragedy's 4th July gig (which will feature Josie Long)
  3. Stand Up Tragedy's Crowd-funding campaign (14 days left)
  4. The Spoken Word at PBH's Free Fringe Fundraiser (which will feature me and Phill Jupitus) and "A Maze of Breaths" the spoken word album that I've put together to raise money for the PBH Free Fringe.
  5. Getting Better Acquainted is extended for 4 more weeks on Resonance 104.4 FM
  6. Spark London Hackney Open Mic (now with a 3 for 2 ticket offer) 

1. Stand Up Tragedy : Overview

SUT is a night where people stand up and tell tragedy. We make you sad; we make you think; we make you smile. Expect music, comedy, fiction, spoken word, true stories and more, all playing up to the tragic form but not always taking it seriously. The night ends, not with a whimper, not with a bang, but with a cathartic sing-a-long. 

We are booked in nightly as part of the Spoken Word at PBH Free Fringe 2013 performing at 6.30pm at the Fiddlers Elbow from the 3rd to the 14th of August. We're also going to be releasing podcasts daily during the Fringe Festival.

But we need your help to do this!

2. Stand Up Tragedy : 7.30pm Thursday 4th July at The Dogstar with Josie Long

One way you can help us to go on our Edinburgh journey is by coming to our fourth London based live show:  Dogstar in Brixton on Thursday 4th July.

Tickets are £5 in advance and £7 on the door and you can get them here. We'll also be having a tragic auction on the night to help raise funds.

We have an amazing line up: Josie Long, Nish Kumar, Frog Morris, Emily Capell, Daniel Barker, Jen Adamthwaite, Daniel Simpson, and Polly from Slate Islands.

Plus a PBH Free Fringe Spoken Word showcase featuring Fay Roberts, David Lee Morgan and James Bran. 
3. Stand Up Tragedy : Crowd-funding Campaign : Current total $1,910 of $3,500 Goal with 14 days left
Thanks so much to those who've backed us already and if you were intending to do so now is a great time!

For those of you who haven't our crowd-funding campaign is where you can contribute to our funds and help us get there. In exchange we are offering some brilliant perks such as pieces of art, songs, mechanise, specially written songs and stories, a meal cooked for you by an excellent chef, exposure on our podcasts and more!

Seriously every little helps, from $1 (less than a £1 by the way) to large donations. We're aiming for a small amount in funding terms but it's a sum of money we urgently need to raise. We appreciate whatever you can donate and we are excited to be able to reward our funders directly for their support. Another way of helping is to spread the word about the campaign, reach out to your own social networks and see if they want to get involved in the Tragedy!

We release a weekly free podcast produced by Bryony Hawkins with excellent sound quality that you can listen to to get a taste of our nights. They're 
available on iTunesStitcher Smart Radio and Soundcloud.

4. Spoken Word at PBH's Free Fringe Fundraising:
The Spoken Word at PBH's Free Fringe are having a fundraiser on 
June 26th at the Hackney Attic. I will be performing at this on behalf of SUT, along with an amazing line-up of amazing spoken word artists including Phill Jupitus, Rob Auton, Fay Roberts and Richard Tyrone Jones.

We'll also be launching A Maze of Breaths: Spoken Word at PBH's Free Fringe.  This is an album that the Stand Up Tragedy team put together. 19 tracks that show the variety, quality and energy of the Free Fringe's spoken word community. They will go onsale on the 26th June, the whole album is £5 (or more if you wish to give it) and individual tracks will be £1 (or more if you wish to give it). I've worked really long and hard on this over the last few weeks and I really think it's a quality album. It has at least something for everyone and is a mix of poetry, storytelling, music, comedy and everything in between. 

After the launch date please spread the word about it. This is where it is:
5. Getting Better Acquainted on (and off) Resonance FM

"Join Dave Pickering on his journey to get better acquainted with the people he knows. There are lots of shows about famous people. This is a show about the rest of us. Part interview show, part oral history project, the show was nominated for a 2012 Radio Production Award and was featured on the Radio 5 Live podcast special, Helen and
Ollie's Required Listening."

Getting Better Acquainted has now been extended on Resonance 104.4 FM. There will be 4 more episodes running through July making the first season 17 episodes in total.

Each episode is a half hour edit of a full length episode that has already aired, the 13 episode season tries to represent every element of the podcast as a whole, whilst also targeting topics, people and places that will fit in with remit of the station in general. The episodes are available locally on fm radio and globally on the online player.

GBA is not going away as a weekly long-form podcast however. If you haven't heard the show yet there are lots of ways you can: It's available through iTunesStitcher Smart Radio and from the website.  You can also follow it on twitter and like it on facebook.

I can will be recording two live GBA's as part of the PBH Free Fringe 2013 at 1.40pm at the Banshee Labyrinth on the 13th and 14th of August.

6. Spark London

I host the monthly open mic at the Hackney Attic and doing social media for the brilliant Spark London.

The next one is on Monday 8th April and the theme is "Tragedy". The night kicks off at 7.30pm and only costs £3. We now have a 3 for 2 offer running so if you quote "story time" at the box office when buying your ticket on the night three people can get in for the cost of 2!

You can listen to our weekly podcast on Mixclouddownload it from iTunes or stream it on your phone using the Stitcher
Smart Radio app

In general our live events happen this way each month:

1st Monday of the month: Spark London Curated Stories at the Canal Café Theatre
2nd Monday of the month: Hackney Open Mic at the Hackney Attic
3rd Monday of the month: Brixton Open Mic upstairs at the Ritzy Cinema

Like us on facebook and follow us on twitter?

Thanks and as usual let me know if you want to stop getting these emails.



Getting Better Acquainted:

Stand Up Tragedy:

Spark London

@GBApodcast @StandUp4Tragedy

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