Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Today @jadamthwaite and I will have been in a relationship for 12 years. Two years longer than my mum and dad's relationship. In 5 years we'll have lasted longer than her parents managed....

Today Jen and I will have been in a relationship for 12 years. Two years longer than my mum and dad's relationship. In 5 years we'll have lasted longer than her parents managed.

Please avoid having an anniversary on Valentine's Day; you can't get a table and everywhere is crowded full of other people's love stories and disasters.

I wrote this song when we moved into the first place we lived in on our own. It was a house because we were in Lancaster where renting a house is less than half the amount it costs to rent a flat in London. I rewrote, recorded and mixed it, in a one bedroom flat filled with damp and mice. I don't like the production on it that much now, which is funny because I spent a number of months working to get the sound exactly this way.

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